What the hell, Supernatural?

Chrishome, Uncategorized

1Warning: *Spoiler alert and authorly rant ahead.

Charlie cannot be dead. Not. Dead. She was supposed to have her own spinoff. She could have teamed up with Sheriff Jody Mills and her formerly vampiric adopted daughter and Castiel’s daughter to create a kick-ass all-girl hunting quartet.

I get that Dean needed to have a reason to be a rage-monster to send him further down the Mark of Cain/Deanmon path, but there had to be another way. Plus (more spoilers) the Steins seemed to be the new group of baddies the Winchesters were pitted against. In one episode, Dean killed them all. Now what?

And Sam? Don’t even get me started on how selfish he’s become. The I must do this stupid thing that will get others killed to save my brother song has grown tiresome. I no longer like Sam. And I never thought I’d say that.

And Crowley? I love the Crowley who wants to sit and have a beer with Dean, the Crowley who steps in and saves the Winchesters, the Crowely, who let’s face it, has an unbelievably sexy accent.  The Crowley who kills innocents for fun and is evil incarnate does not work for me. Even with the accent.

So,  Supernatural writers take note: This was all a premonition. Now that the boys know Charlie will die, they will step in and keep it from happening. Understand? Charlie is not dead.