I Can’t Believe #UtopYA2014 Is Over

ChrisFor Writers, Paranormal Young Adult, UtopYA

I can’t believe #UtopYA2014 is over. It was busy and crazy and exhausting and exhilarating. I met some great new people and reconnected with old friends. I was able to meet my online friends in the flesh. The funny part was most of the time, I had to read their name badges before I realized they were someone I’d been talking to for a year. The scene played out like this:

A woman would come up to my table and comment on my book cover, I would  introduce myself while trying to subtly read her name tag. One or both  of us would realize who the other person was, and high pitched squealing noises and hugs would ensue. (It’s a girl thing.)

The atmosphere at UtopYA is like nothing I’ve ever felt before. It’s a nurturing, encouraging, congratulatory and spiritual environment where the woman sitting at the booth next to you will give you advice on how to form a street team, or tell you where you can buy a sign that doesn’t come with a freaking large pole that doesn’t fit in any suitcase known to man. Everyone is helpful and kind. Seriously. It’s like someone drugged the hotel water supply with happy pills.

I’m betting that tickets for UtopYA 2015 will go on sale tomorrow, and I will be snapping mine up as fast as I can get my phone to connect to the internet.