Using Pinterest to Organize Your Online Social Media

ChrisFor Writers, home

Hand holding a Social Media 3d SphereDid you know you can make a private board on Pinterest? You can. And you can use this board to organize your online presence. This article is aimed at writers, but can apply to anyone hoping to organize their online media.


  1. Create private board on Pinterest.
  2. Add a Pin it button to your browser bar.
  3. Pin items that represent your brand, your books, your personal style.
  1. Create accounts on:

Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, Tsu, tumblr, and any other social media site you come across. It takes a few minutes to set up each site. Twitter and tumblr have younger demographics. Facebook hits the 30 and up crowd. Google+, Linkedin, and Tsu reach someone, so you might as well use them.

  1. After you’ve signed up for half a dozen social media sites, install an Add this button to your browser bar. (looks like a plus sign)
  1. Once you’ve saved items to your private board, pick 3 to share each day. Post those 3 pins to each site using your add this button.

-I find it’s best to save those three pins to your desktop naming them 1, 2, and 3. That way, when you repeat the process the next day, you replace those photos with the new ones and you don’t clog up your desktop.

  1. Use the add this button to add those three items to all your social media sites. It’s okay to pin the same thing to different sites because different people will see them. If you’re worried about bothering people with the same post in different areas, I don’t think it’s an issue. I might follow the same people on twitter and FB, but I don’t always look at their posts on both sites in the same day.

8. When you post to twitter and tumblr, be sure to add hashtags/tags so it will come up in people’s streams. Some of my favorites are #coffeeaddict #caffeineaddict #don’tjudgeme (for when you confess to eating an entire box of thin mint cookies.)

Readers want to get to know you. You are your brand. What you post is your brand. Post what you like. Coffee, dogs, dragons, Supernatural

If you’re a dog lover looking to connect with other people who will understand that the lint trap on your dryer is full of dog fur, post about dogs and use dog related hashtags.

If you love Supernatural, post pictures of Jensen Ackles aka Dean Winchester. Even if you aren’t a fan do it, the world needs more pictures of Jensen. Case in point.


If you’re an author you can post one book related promo per day. Make it something you’re sharing with the reader: “This five star review made my day.” Because really, five star reviews do make an authors day and it’s fun to share the joy.

Have fun with social media. Interact with anyone who interacts with you. Answer other people’s questions. Comment on their photos. Social media needs to be Social (hence the name) You’ll meet some great people online that you’d never have a chance to meet in your day to day life. So go forth and network people. It will enrich your lives and possibly increase your sales.