Swag Mistakes Not to Make

ChrisFor Writers, home, Readers, UtopYA

You’d think I would have learned my lesson after last years Swag debacle where I ordered postcards and bags featuring my book’s release date for UtopYA. And yet, I did it again. I am not a total newbie anymore. I know that all release dates are guesstimates and that the market fluctuates which means publication dates fluctuate and yet I still put a release date on the postcards I ordered a week ago. Today I heard that my book is not coming out the month listed on the postcard. Why did I do this again? *Face Palm

I’ve heard other Swag horror stories. Authors gleefully order buttons and magnets and stickers with their fabulous new book cover. The day after they order, the cover is redesigned. One author I know thought she played it safe when she used the book title, but not the actual cover on her swag. Wrong. They changed the title a week later. Sometimes I think the Swag Gods are messing with us.

Here is my newly redesigned postcard minus any pesky release dates.

Speaking of Swag. What type of Swag do you like: Pens, pencils, magnets, buttons, gum, bookmarks

I obviously need to design some new Swag. If you have any brilliant ideas, leave a comment.