Supernatural Deanmon Season


Supernatural starts in two days. Cue fangirling.


Season ten has been referred to as Deanmon season, since Dean is coming back as a black-eyed demon. Dean has always been the quintessential bad boy. So what happens when you take away his human conscience? Before he went darkside his main hobbies were booze, women, and killing things. If you look at the clip for the new episode below, it looks like things haven’t changed that much.

One of the things that makes Supernatural such an awesome series is the blending of humor (as seen above) with drama (as seen below).

I’ve been binge watching Supernatural on Netflix while waiting for the new season to start. Now my only problem is figuring out if I want to watch the new episode live and deal with commercials, or if I want to wait and watch it on my DVR so I can fast forward through the interruptions. What are your plans for watching Supernatural?