Social Media Madness

ChrisFor Writers, home, Paranormal Young Adult, UtopYA

My first book, Going Down In Flames, came out June 30th. Since then I have been tweeting and sharing and tumbling and pinning my brains out in an effort to increase my social media presence. I’ve done my best to keep the posts about my actual book to 25% of my content because no one likes a spammer. The rest of the time I’ve posted about the same things I’ve always posted about: coffee, dogs, Supernatural, snarkecards, and chocolate.

Speaking of Coffee, this is my new favorite. coffee

I’ve created ads for facebook and blogs and sent them off into cyberspace without truly understanding what “click through ratio” meant. I swear I’ve had an ad up on Goodreads since June 30th where you only pay if someone clicks on it. I set a ten dollar budget and it’s nowhere near depleted. Does that mean my advertising is ineffective? Should I look into hiring a promotional specialist or an assistant or a skywriter? Your guess is as good as mine.

I’ve become better at talking about my book when I’m out around people. Most of the time their reaction is positive. My favorite response was a lady who said she’d tell her son about the book, because “he loves stupid shit like that.”  Yes, she said that, and I laughed along with her, because I don’t think she meant it as an insult and what else could I do?

I read Eve Pohler’s, Self Promotion for Writers: It’s All Greek to Me and decided I needed a logo. Here’s the two that are in contention at the moment. Which one do you like?  yinyangredblueblack


I also need a street team with a catchy name. If anyone has a suggestion, please leave a note in the comments section because my brain is not coming up with anything special. And once I have a street team, I need to figure out what I should ask them to do.

What has swayed you to try a new author?