New Year’s Resolutions? No Thanks.


4It’s January first. The time of year where everyone makes resolutions to exercise more, eat leafy green stuff, and procrastinate less. I think that’s too much pressure. As soon as you stand up and declare, “I will give up sugar until I lose ten pounds!” The universe will bombard you with Whitman’s samplers, Krispy Kreme donuts, and those ginormous muffins from Sam’s. That’s just how the world works.

Instead of boldly declaring a lifestyle change, and inviting Murphy’s law to smack me in the face, I’m trying a more subtle approach known as, Everything in Moderation. If I want chocolate, I can have some…not the entire box, but a few pieces. And I will walk my dogs twice a day, and I will try to get on my damn treadmill (its official name) three nights a week. If I do not meet these goals it won’t mean I have failed. It means I’ll try to do better the next day. Too much of the world seems to be all or nothing and that is just too much freaking pressure.

What’s your stance on New Year’s Resolutions?