Liar Liar Pants on Fire

ChrisFor Writers

“Start a website,” they said. “It will be easy,” they said. And to that, I say, “Liar liar pants on fire.”

Most of the time I have a pretty good grasp on technology. Pretty good means I mutter mild curse words under my breath, rather than ranting loud enough to bring all three dogs running. Yesterday, even my husband came running.

After a glass of wine and a bowl of chocolate frozen yogurt, I tried again. Little by little, all the website mumbo jumbo began to make sense. I typed a post, a beautiful well thought out post, which probably would have won me a Pulitzer had the post survived when I hit save. Alas, such was not the case.

Today, I am trying again. Like the Little Wine Fueled Engine that Could, I am persevering. I will finish this post. I will hit save. It will appear in all its glory on my brand new sparkly website page. If it doesn’t, there isn’t a place on the planet where you won’t hear me cursing. Wish me luck.