Jaxon Westgate Round 2 March Madness


Jaxon made it to Round 2 in Entangled’s March Madness Competition. Why does he deserve your vote?

Top 5 Reasons Why Jaxon Westgate is the Ultimate Hero

BridgesBurnedCOVERfinalHello, my name is Chris Cannon. I live in Southern Illinois with my husband and my three dogs: Pete the shitzu who sleeps on my desk while I write, Molly the ever-shedding yellow lab, and Tyson the sandwich-stealing German Shepherd Beagle. I believe coffee is the Elixir of Life.

Bridges Burned is the second book in the Going Down In Flames series. Jaxon was a serious ass-hat in book one (Going Down In Flames) but by book two he’s discovered that Bryn is honorable and has developed a deep seated loyalty towards her.

1. Jaxon is a Blue dragon. Once you’ve won Jaxon’s respect he will stand by you until his last breath. (And look hawt while doing so.)

2. Jaxon looks like the all american male who should be walking down the beach carrying a surf board. Golden tan skin, Blond tousled hair, bright blue eyes. Check out these photos of how I imagine Jaxon.

Young serious business manSerious sexy young man










3. Jaxon can be fierce one moment and gentle the next. Here is a moment in the book where he came through for Bryn when she was injured.

Jaxon climbed into the pit and placed one arm under Bryn’s lower back and one under her knees. “I’ve got her weight.” … “Look at me, Bryn.” Jaxon held her gaze. “You can do this.” In a swift motion, he pulled her upward and cradled her to his chest.

4. Favorite Jaxon quote when Bryn asks him if he has to be so condescending.

“I strive to be just condescending enough but the balance is hard to maintain.”

5. All snarkiness aside, Jaxon is fiercely loyal and fights to protect those he deems worthy. Here he is defending a friend.

“If you ever refer to Rhianna as damaged again I will do all within my power to make your life a living hell.”

If you enjoy fiercely-loyal yet snarky, golden-skinned, blue eyed men who will defend you until death, then vote for Jaxon Westgate.

You can vote using the Rafflecopter  here: http://happytailsandtales.blogspot.com/2015/03/jaxon-won-now-lets-kick-in-round-2-with.html

or here:
