Head Shot: Help!

ChrisFor Writers

I’m going to have my head shots done tomorrow. No, I’m not letting someone shoot me in the head, as the sentence makes it sound. I’m going to a professional photographer to have a picture taken for my publicity photo. Did I mention I hate having my picture taken?

The photographer explained I should wear a solid long-sleeved black or navy shirt. Uhm….guess what I don’t own. Every shirt in my closet is patterned. I like patterns. I think they’re fun. Plus if you drip salsa on your shirt, it doesn’t show as bad.

MP900387551So, I took a trip to Kohl’s. Guess what they aren’t stocked up on in June, in the midwest, where the average temperature is somewhere between a tropical jungle and the third ring of hell. If you guessed long-sleeved shirts, you’re right.

After digging through the clearance racks, I managed to find a dozen black long-sleeved shirts. Three of them weren’t hideous. Oddly enough the shirts ran the gamut in sizes, a small, a medium and a large. (I’ll save my rant about how screwed up women’s clothing sizes are for another day.)

Should I have gone shopping way before two days before the photo shoot? Yes. Had I known how rare long-sleeved solid colored shirts were in June, I would have. But I digress. I plan to try on all three shirts today. Hopefully one of them will make me look like someone who writes amazing books rather than someone who  needs a nap or some sort of mood altering drug.