Gridlock Gripe, or Why I was Late to Work

ChrisReaders, Uncategorized

My commute to the day job is about twenty-five minutes on a good day. I take a back road two-lane highway most of the way to work. Occasionally I get stuck behind a tractor or a school bus.

Monday, I had to attend a day of workshops at a different location. I decided to take the main highway. This ended up being a huge mistake as there was an accident on the canal bridge which left me sitting on a four lane highway turned parking lot for forty-five minutes.  What should have been a twenty-five minute commute took an hour and twenty-five minutes. I was late to the key-note speaker. I didn’t check my email until after lunch which is when I discovered that while on break, December 30th, I’d been asked to attend a certain meeting, which I did not in fact attend. I tried emailing the original sender to explain I was unaware of the meeting and asked if there was anything I needed to do. My email refused to send. Apparently the server was down, or depressed or out of sorts or something. So sum total of Monday’s not so fabulous showing:

45 minutes sitting in gridlock + 1 unread email + 1 spastic email server equals a not so great start to the week. I’m going to hope that my week improves. What’s your worst driving-to-work story?