Do You Watch Doctor Who?

ChrisFor Writers, Paranormal Young Adult, Uncategorized, UtopYA

1For years my writer friends have talked about their love of Doctor Who. While I am a fan of Star Wars, Star Trek, and most other Science Fiction Fandoms I have never watched Doctor Who. Then Netflix came into my life and now I am hooked. My favorite Friday night activity is watching Doctor Who while I crochet and do laundry. And yes I know that makes me a party animal, but I’m an Introvert and by Friday night I need some alone time to recharge and recover from the work week.

Anyway, I’m up to season 5 and I miss David Tennant. *Spoilers*   I can’t believe Rory was erased. The fact that Amy doesn’t remember him, but the Doctor does and he now he has to carry that burden around…OMG the feels.

2I did not expect Doctor Who to make me cry and it has, multiple times. I cried over Rose and this line:”I’ve only got one life, Rose Tyler. I could spend it with you, if you want.” And then I cried over Donna Noble losing the thing she dreamed about all her life. And yet I am still watching the show. Do you watch Doctor Who? What’s your favorite episode?