Christmas Rant


2Christmas is just around the corner which causes me equal amounts of joy and stress. Joy: because I love all the Christmas decorations and the Christmas carols and the copious amount of cookies. (Yes, it’s all about the food.) Stress: because of all the heightened expectations. Christmas commercials make you feel like everyone gets a car with a big red bow on it for Christmas because why not? And everyone’s husband buys them diamonds or expensive perfume or some other item which probably costs loads of money because that is the norm.

I hate that television makes it look like the average person lives in a ginormous house with a wraparound porch and at least five Christmas trees. I hate that I sometimes wonder why I don’t live in that kind of house which is ridiculous. It took my husband and I years to afford the house we are in now. It’s a wonderful, normal house, in a normal neighborhood. I have no plans to upsize unless I could buy a ranch and rescue herds of shitzus, but that’s another story.

I wish that television would show normal homes and normal people who are thrilled to have normal things.

End of Christmas Rant. How do you feel about the holidays? Leave a comment for a chance to win an ebook from the Going Down In Flames series or The Boyfriend Chronicles.