Book Release Author Mania: Going Down In Flames

ChrisFor Writers, Paranormal Young Adult, UtopYA, YA, young adult

34819802d01fdef9bffc5f559a95e251Going Down In Flames came out June 30th. Here’s a summary of my book release: author mania day.

-Wake up and make coffee.

-Check Amazon to see if anyone besides your mom bought the book.

-Do a small happy dance when you see that your Amazon rank has grown smaller. It moved from 100,000 to 60,000. Consider that a win.

-Check Amazon to try and understand what that number means. Give up and make another cup of coffee.

-Read a review on Goodreads. Cheer when the reviewer says she liked it.

-Read another review which says, “I didn’t hate this book.” Take a deep breath and remind yourself that not everyone will love your baby.

-Read a five star review on Amazon. Call husband in from other room and make him read it.

-Read a scathing three star review on Amazon. Grab bottle of Tums.

-Tweet, share, pin, and tumble the good reviews as promo. Feel slightly guilty about tooting your own horn.

-Check Amazon rankings. Woo Hoo. It’s moved from 60,000 to 40,000. Read Amazon’s description of what these mysterious indecipherable numbers mean, again. Remain confused, but focus on the happiness of the numbers growing smaller. Show husband. Laugh when he asks if you can quit your day job.

-Do a little social media and a little laundry and check Amazon ranking. Watch as it moves from 60,000 to 40,000. Notice the smaller numbers which show rankings in specific categories.

-Compulsively check Goodread and Amazon reviews. See a tweet announcing that your book broke the top 100 in paid paranormal YA. Email author friends and ask if they know what that means. See that the book broke into the top 50 and post to facebook asking what it means. Laugh when someone  posts, “It means your book is selling.” Wonder if you might be able to quit your day job.

-Realize you are lightheaded because your forgot to eat anything. Eat while scanning reviews.

-Check Amazon ranking at ,read reviews, post to social media, repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Eat chocolate. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.