Author Nerves Explained by Supernatural Gifs


How does an author feel the day before a book release? Bridges Burned releases tomorrow, so I thought I’d explain author nerves through Supernatural gifs.

At first, you’re excited that your book is about to be released into the wild. giphyhappy





Then you click over to Goodreads to see if anyone with an advanced reader copy has left a review. You read a five star review and you’re like:







Then you spot a two star rating, and you’re like:









Then you start imagining worse-case scenarios. The book won’t download when people buy it. The book downloads but it’s written in Enochian. (*Supernatural reference: If you don’t understand, get thee to Netflix)








Then you receive a Google alert about a book review. The reviewer liked it, so you’re back to:









Determined not to torture yourself any more, you sign off of the internet, for about ten minutes, before you compulsively click refresh to check your pre-sale numbers on where you try to make sense of all the line graphs and charts.








At the end of the day, you’re like:







The next morning, you wake up on your book birthday and cycle through these emotions all over again. It’s exciting and exhausting and wonderful.