Adult Coloring Books

ChrisDragons, young adult

What do you think of the Adult Coloring Book craze? I have to admit I’ve looked longingly at the Harry Potter coloring book.  1








2There are the Adult Coloring Books that feature patterns like this one. : A Coloring Book for Adults Featuring Mandalas and Henna Inspired Flowers, Animals, and Paisley Patterns  which could be relaxing.






I like the idea of Color Me Calm: 100 Coloring Templates for Meditation and Relaxation (A Zen Coloring Book). 3








Of course the Doctor Who coloring book caught my eye which includes quotes from the television show. 4



What I really want is a coloring book featuring dragons. I’ve seen a few online, but for some reason they have knights fighting dragons which is ridiculous. Valmont would never harm Bryn. Knights love their dragons. I wonder if I could find someone to create a dragon coloring book for my Going Down In Flames series? I have no idea what that would entail, but it would be awesome. What type of Adult Coloring Book would you buy or create if you could?