My Post Needs Viagra

ChrisFor Writers

Just when I thought I had this WordPress blogging crap figured out, I couldn’t get a link to do its whole linking thing. Which makes the link, in all respects, quite useless. What had I done wrong? I followed the tried and true ritual. I highlighted and copied. I pasted it to my post. Which meant it  should have turned blue and done it’s whole linking thing. But no….it mocked me by sitting there linking to a big fat nothing.

I pondered and then decided to copy and paste the link to Word. Yes! It turned blue. It was an active link. I had won.

MP900321090I copied and pasted the link from Word to the WordPress post. Which should work. Right? Wrong. Denied. The link lay there, lifeless, flaccid, in need of one of those little blue pills perhaps from the commercials on television where the couple is in separate bathtubs on a cliff. Not that I have any idea why the bathtubs are on a cliff or outside to begin with or why they aren’t in the same tub if he’s taking the little blue pill…wait, I’ve drifted off topic.

Back to the missing link….oops unintentional science joke 🙂

Anyway, back to the un-link. I’ve decided to go with the idea that the original post isn’t on speaking terms with my blog. The original post is older, so maybe it’s not compatible, or isn’t looking for a serious relationship right now, or who knows. In this case, I give up. I will drink wine, finish off the cherry chocolate ganache granola and try again tomorrow.