The Night Before The Dating Debate in Otter Gifs


I’m thrilled that my 8th book, The Dating Debate is coming out tomorrow. I’d love to say that I’m relaxed and feeling very zen about the release. That’s not the case. I’m not sure that will ever be the case. Maybe by my 10th book I’ll have figured out how to deal with the excitement and stress, but given my personality I doubt it.

Here are some otter gifs to show you what it’s like inside my head the night before a release.

Oh my God, my book comes out tomorrow. OMG..OMG..OMG

Maybe a snack will calm me down. (compulsively eats entire bag of chips)

I wonder if anyone will leave reviews? (Clicks over to Amazon or Goodreads to discover a good review.)

By the end of the day I’ll look like this.